Late night grocery store bonus

I was at Whole Foods late last night (yeah, I know – mock if you must) and they were playing Mozart! It was the middle movement of his string quartet no. 4. In my excitement, I may have said “Köchel 157!” out loud. Possibly. But I wasn’t by myself, so I didn’t look as silly as I might have otherwise.

And the cashier couldn’t remember the 4-digit code for my greens, so she gave them to me for free.

(And then I went home and bought opera tickets. Falstaff and Cenerentola, here I come!)

6 thoughts on “Late night grocery store bonus

  1. Is there something socially unacceptable about late-night visits to Whole Foods? They’re about to open a store here, so it would be good to know, in case one wishes to add to one’s list of socially unacceptable things to do of an evening.


      1. You mean your being all a bunch of tree-hugging liberal lefties indoctrinating America’s youth?


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